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More details for this spinning - equipment twister / twisting - two for one (TFO) position. (Our nr.: UM 24.53.20458)
Added on 2024-01-23 by RHesse in spinning - equipment / twister / twisting - two for one (TFO)
4 sets savion s e c o n d h a n d twisting machines
designed as two for one twister with optional
saurer assembly winding machine
as well as following;
(1) saurer winding machine, year of construction 2016
designed as fold assembly winder
model ppwa
with 24 positions
- fold creel with electronic detectors
and spring tension
precision wind 155 mm parallel package 43 mm
jacobi overhead clearer
(4) savio teo for one twister, year of construction 2017
model sirius 201 ar
each with 240 positions, double sided
delivery ø 155 mm 4°20'
feeding with precision wound 150 mm parallel package ø 125 mm
traverse 200 mm
limiter ø 180 mm
pot ø 130 mm
pneumatic threading
overfeed rollers
yarn range ne2 15 to 12
excellent condition!
price under negotiation
This offer remains unsold.
Please provide a serious bid for this position.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
(c) 2024 Rainer Hesse Textilmaschinen Dresden