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More details for this weaving - equipment aspiration position. (Our nr.: UM 28.352.20132)
Added on 2025-01-13 by RHesse in weaving - equipment / aspiration
4 sets neuenhauser second hand blowing machines
designed for jacquard looms
year of construction 2001
2 x outside blow and vacuuming
dust from jacquard looms, total length 41m,
1 x inside rail with neuenhauser (between 2 rows of jacquard looms)
to blow dust direction outside neuenhauser, total length 41m,
1 x upper to blow dust from jacquards towards the
outside neuenhauser, total length 41m.
the frames must be attached to the jacquard gantry’s,
central dust bag with motor
price under negotiation
This offer remains unsold.
Please provide a serious bid for this position.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
(c) 2025 Rainer Hesse Textilmaschinen Dresden