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More details for this finishing - printing engraving position. (Our nr.: UM 36.231.20426)

Added on 2023-11-26 by RHesse in finishing - printing / engraving

1 one stork second hand engraving machine year of construction 2007 model best len 6412 laser cut screen size 2 100 mm to 300 mm
- step and repeat system.
- on-the-fly system
- automatic adjustment of the laser power and hermetic closure of the laser beam guide, reduces contamination of optical components and thus ensures constant engraving quality.
- engraving width: screen length minus 20mm from the left and right edge of the screen
- engraving speed: 18m/s
- horizontal resolution: 380dpi-2540dpi (13
- 100 pkt/mm)
- vertical resolution: 127 dpi
- 22540 dpi (5
- 100 pkt/mm)
- focus: about 60 jum price under negotiation

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