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More details for this finishing - complete lines dyeing position. (Our nr.: UM 38.116.20682)

Added on 2025-01-24 by RHesse in finishing - complete lines / dyeing

1 one hergeth/thies second hand dyeing line designed as fiber stock dye plant consisting; (1) hergeth bale opening machine, year of construction 1986 working width 1 500 mm extended feed apron mixing chamber (2) autefa cake pressing machines, year 1986 (2) thies dyeing apparatuses, year of construction 1986 complete rebuilt and general overhauled in 2007 year model eco-bloc f 1250 nominal capacity each 500 kg (1) thies dosing department, year of construction 2007 model mps-l (1) muhlmann extracter, year of construction 2007 nominal capacity 400 kg drum ø 1 200 mm price under negotiation

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