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More details for this finishing - complete lines printing position. (Our nr.: UM 38.302.20505)

Added on 2024-03-11 by RHesse in finishing - complete lines / printing

1 one santa lucia and reggiani second hand complte textile printing line designed for woven fabrics and knitted goods machine park as well as following; (1) santa'luci unitec single layer stenter year of construction 2003 model red-ev04 working width 2 400 mm 5 thermoprocessing chamber direkt gas heated with fabric inspection and testa winder (1) monforts single layer stenter year of construction 1993 model montex 12 g/k working width 2 200 mm 4 thermoprocessing chamber direct gas heated (1) reggiani flat bed printing machine year of construction 1996 model futura working width 1 800 mm, 9 colours gas heated drying department testa infeed frame cylinder
- and blade washing device (1) reggiani flat bed printing machine year of construction 1992 model futura working width 1 800 mm, 8 colours gas heated drying department testa infeed frame cylinder
- and blade washing device (1) colour kitchen consisted
- one large mixing station, capacity 1 500 kg
- two small mixers
- one structure with mezzanine and tanks price under negotiation

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(c) 2024 Rainer Hesse Textilmaschinen Dresden

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