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More details for this finishing - equipment's boiler position. (Our nr.: UM 41.277.20616)

Added on 2024-09-23 by RHesse in finishing - equipment's / boiler

3 second hand boiler plants designed as gas heated boiler installations for steam production as well as following; (1) babckock omnical, year of construction 2013 model omnibloc ce nominal max capacity 3 200 kg/h nominal heat capacity 2,2 mv nominal working pressure 10,0 bar test pressure 18,5 bar nominal max steam temperature 184°c water content full 7 400 l equipped with : weishaupt gasburner wm-g30 / 2-a, zm-ln 400-3, 800 kw, 15
- 500 mbar control panel with separate touch panel feeding water pump
- eco
- available valves (1) loos, year of construction 2003 model u-hd 1250 nominal max capacity 1 250 kg/h heating surface approx 20 m² nominal working over pressure 13 bar extended test pressure 23 bar water content full 1 365 l equipped with : weisshaupt gasburner g7 / 1-d, zmd 300-1, 750 kw 15
- 500 mbar feeding water pump control panel and available valves (1) certuss rapid, year of construction 2017 model junior / universal 500 tc
- ce nominal capacity 500 kg/h nominal max heat capacity 364 kw nominal working over pressure 10 bar test pressure 57 bar nominal water content 42,9 l prices still under negotiation

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